Opus mobile apps in the works: Development Update 5
With the development still ahead of schedule, we have made a lot of progress over these past two weeks. We would also like to welcome Erich Dylus, the latest artist to join us in revolutionizing the music streaming industry. You can read more about him below.
Work on the web player has continued, in particular, regarding the encryption and decryption of files and the information connected to them during the upload. We have also been implementing Redux into the player and testing the efficiency of the server on the blockchain and of the upload of information from smart contracts.
Our team has conducted more research into different payment methods with our new streaming model, which we will talk more about when we know exactly what method we choose, and we have looked more into the architecture of the Raiden system in comparison to PostgreSQL, with Raiden being somewhat more decentralized.
There has been a lot of visible progress in our mobile apps for iOS and Android, both of which we started working on. We now have the first few screens where a user can log in or register. On the backend, we have worked on different models and endpoints for the log in and register options.
Over the next two weeks we plan to finish the encryption and decryption of the files, logging in to the player, figuring out the payment methods for the subscription, all of which will happen alongside more development of the Android and iOS apps.
Erich Dylus
Erich is an independent solo artist from Washington, DC. His music ranges from instrumental progressive metal to acoustic/electro/ambient and some jazz, and in live shows he like to incorporate a good amount of improvisation and looping. Erich writes and records everything himself. Primarily a guitarist, the drums in his music are mostly programmed, but he plays all the other instruments, including the bass and keys. Varia, released in January, 2017, was mixed and mastered by Mike Watts at VuDu Studios. The majority of his listeners are from Indonesia and Eastern Europe — a testament to the global reach of indie music on the internet.
Erich is planning to release new music this year which will be available worldwide on Opus. You can follow Erich on Facebook and YouTube.
New Q&A coming Monday
Our next Q&A will be released next week on Monday, so remember to send us all your questions on our form, Discord, Telegram, or via e-mail at info@opus-foundation.org. You can also follow our progress on Facebook and Twitter.