Welcome, 2022!
Since 2022 started just yesterday we, the whole Opus Team, would like to wish you the happiest new year. We hope that this year will bring you many blessings, allow you to make some great memories but also be able to take a moment to stop and reconnect with your inner selves.
At the same time, we would like to highlight what our primary area of focus will be in the next 12 months. It should be of no surprise to you that it is strictly related to transforming the music industry into a fair, just and inclusive environment. We are certain that with your continuous support we will be able to achieve that — and step by step get closer to accomplishing this long-awaited goal.

We have seen in the past 12 months how big of a change our work made. With the rise of the importance of blockchain technologies globally, the potential of our platform furtherly increases. By focusing on outreach and research activities, the Opus Team aims to connect with this unprecedented public discourse and bring change to the music industry.
Now we are only asking you to keep your fingers crossed! These 12 months ahead are going to be a time of intense work, and we know there might be ups and downs. However, having such an active, wonderful community like the Opus family we are certain that we are able to always rely on you and eventually we will be able to accomplish our collective objectives. As time goes by, we will let you know how our work progresses.